Posted on: May 15, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Air and Space Collection (DVD Set) / 2012 Smithsonian Channel / /

This is the perfect collection for anyone that is interested in the skies, whether they be relatively close (air flight) or something beyond that (space). These four documentaries provide an exhaustive and up to date view on aeronautics; the value of America’s Hangar, Concorde: Flying Supersonic, History in HD: America in Space and Space Shuttle: Final Countdown is considerable.

The DVD footage here is stunning, and actually is at a level that one would be able to confuse it with the quality of a Blu-Ray. The volume of the presentations are spot-on, while the various narration blends in well together. One will be indignant at the fate of the Concorde, an airplane that should still be hitting supersonic speeds today. This fury will continue with the America in Space documentary, which showcases the accomplishments that the United States have had in the years since NASA was formed. With the various cuts that NASA has suffered through, one will be astonished that they have been able to do as much as they have. The sad truth is that our astronauts stationed aboard the International Space Station have to hitch a ride; we as a nation do not have the capability to send up our astronauts. America’s Hangar places all of America’s achievements in flight in a timeline; while not as amazing after years of flight, one has to be impressed at the audacity that these early flight pioneers had.

Make sure that you pick up the Air and Space Collection; strong says of this release will allow the Smithsonian Channel to continue to release these high-quality documentaries. The price of this set (as low as $23 through online retailers) is amazing; pick it up today.

Rating: 8.6/10

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