Posted on: May 23, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


There have been a number of different Tom Clancy-based titles that have been released over the years. While there have been some good and some bad, I feel that Ghost Recon Future Soldier is the best we have played. Ubisoft has outdone themselves in regards to the in-game graphics and immersion factor that will hit players just as soon as they pop in the title.

The different maps that are available are actually different; there is not mirroring or minor changes to the terrain that lesser games are apt to use. I liked the addition of the Gunsmith role to the title, which provides players with the opportunity to build and otherwise modify an array of existing guns. The game play is intuitive, with only a minor difficulty curve. This means that players can sit down and immediately hold their own, but one may take a few months getting the skills necessary to hang with the more competitive games. Spawning is quick and allows players to get back into the action.

The replay aspect of Ghost Recon Future Soldier is far above that of other third-person shooters. I believe the inclusion of smithing and other RPG elements are a large reason for that; the beautifully-rendered scenery is undoubtedly another reason.  The customization aspect of many shooter games is lacking; one will spend a considerable chunk of their play time figuring out the perfect representation of their skills and abilities. Whether playing in single or multi-player mode, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier is incredibly fun and will remain in players’ consoles for months to come. Check the game out today; it represents the best addition to the Tom Clancy line that we have had the chance to play.

Rating: 8.9/10


Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier (Xbox 360) / 2012 Ubisoft / /

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