Posted on: December 17, 2012 Posted by: John B. Moore Comments: 0

From Gang of Four up to Phoenix, Europe has been consistently been churning out one impressive dance rock band after another. Well, it’s time for the U.S. to finally start getting credit for their contributions to the genre, and what better band to lead the revolution than the anthem-ready Denver-based group The Epilogues.

With the aptly titled debut Cinematics, the foursome sound like they are scoring a picture that fails to fall into any easily identifiable category, much like this record. It seems too sweeping to simply be indie rock and despite some strong punk vibes (including mixing work by pop-punk legend Jason Livermore) and stints on the Warped Tour, the band seems more comfortably blurring the lines of easy identification.

The emo-friendly title aside, songs like the beautifully cluttered “My Misinformed John Hughes Teenage Youth” and ‘Hunting Season” are proof alone that the band has stumbled across a sound that forcing people to sit up and notice. Though Cinematics is a slow build, taking repeated listens to really catch on, it is well worth all the effort you put into this ambitious, impressive record.


The Epilogues – Cinematics/13 tracks/Greater Than Collective/2012332667_10151249156636204_10606468_o

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