Posted on: February 18, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


The golden lager style is one that has been largely ignored by microbrewers. As the dominant style on the macro-brewery side of things, it makes sense that the beer style has fallen out of favor. However, Sly Fox has created a golden lager that is refreshing and tasty while providing a number of distinct twists and turns before the beer is finished. The sweetness of the beer is moderated by hints of grain and a slight hop presence, allowing imbibers to be presented with a clean palette with each subsequent sip. The 4.9% ABV percentage of Helles is perfect, allowing individuals the opportunity to put a few cans back and keep things light and airy throughout a session.

The beer has an opening that is utterly unlike any other canned beer we have had – one pulls off a considerable portion (an inner diameter) of the top of the can and is left with a cup of beer. This provides a much different experience for one experiencing the lager. The flavors of the Helles are much more balanced and the beer itself has a smoothness that few beers achieve. For more information about the brewery and the variety of their efforts, visit their domain ( ) or their various social media accounts ( ). Sly Fox’s Helles is precisely what is needed to refresh a classic beer style and make it into something that fans will actively search out. Locate some today – you will not be disappointed.

Rating: 8.8/10

helles_logo.286x0Helles Golden Lager / Sly Fox Beer / 4.9% ABV /

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