Posted on: August 25, 2016 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

When you work in an office, it can sometimes be very easy to get over-stressed and when that happens your mood plummets, you get irritable, and the quality of your work becomes very poor. I used to get very stressed at times and it was so unhealthy that I decided to change and find ways to ensure that my work didn’t affect me and here’s what I found really helped.


Leave Early in the Morning

I love sleep more than I love most of my family and so implementing this particular aspect was really difficult for me, but it did me a world of good. All I did was get up 30 minutes earlier each day and then start my normal routine. It meant I felt more prepared and less rushed and because I was at work 30 minutes earlier, I manged to organise my work load and get anything urgent out of the way before the work day even started. And if your company allows overtime, you’ll get a nice cash bonus at the end of each month, too.


Email Management

A lot of your stress will come from seeing that little number in brackets next to the word ‘Inbox’. Get a plan together for tackling your emails. I would suggest setting aside set times during the day to go through your emails and the rest of the time, pretending that they don’t exist. Have a check every three hours and see what’s urgent and deal with it there and then, if it’s not life or death it goes into the ‘tackle later’ pile. The stops you from getting bogged down and stressing about the work load.



Being happy is the most important aspect of life and everything else should be secondary. When you find yourself getting stressed, check out some funny pics online or watch some videos of kids falling off of skateboards; whatever it is that will make you feel better and feel like you can face the rest of the day.


See; don’t you feel better already?


Tick Box Lists

Is there a person today who doesn’t enjoy ticking boxes on a to-do list? Not only are they really fun and satisfying, they also help you de-stress. They allow you to visualise the tasks ahead of you and then tackle them one by one until they are all done. It also means you will never forget anything, so your boss can’t moan at you and stress you out even further.


Make Friends with Colleagues

Lastly, if you are solitary at work you will start to get lonely and then the stress will pile up and you’ll feel like there’s no one to turn to. If you make an effort to make friends with your fellow colleagues, you’ll have someone to moan to and they will be able to offer advice and help you see the big picture and if you’re lucky, they might even take some of the work off of your hands.


Just remember – it’s only a job, you can always find another one. Your health, happiness, and general wellbeing is far more important.

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