Today, we are speaking to Japanese performer. DOHKE, Atsuo.
Can you give us a little background information about yourself? How did you get into music?
Answer: Actually I did not plan to have a music career until I was 18-year-old. However, I had had an intention from high school days to play a certain instrument on my entrance into college. So, I had started to play the mandolin from the first year of Tokyo University. It is why a mandolin is a handy instrument that I selected it.
You have just released a number of songs on your ReverbNation; what was the recording process for these compositions like?
Answer: All of them are live recording. Actually most of all were recorded by my wife using a Sony VTR. The main reason is to upload to YouTube.
What’s your favorite composition that you have performed (and why?)
Answer: “Ma Dove Sei” which is featured at my page in ReverbNation. The reason is that the melody is absolutely beautiful.
What is a liuto?
Answer: A liuto means “liuto moderno” devised by a famous Italian mandolinist, composer and mandolin manufacturer, Raffaele Calace in the end of 19th century. It has 5 pairs of strings and so plays peculiar and beautiful sound. It is different from a baroque lute.
How supportive is the Tokyo music scene in furthering your career?
Answer: I hold a concert once a year referred to as “Pleasure of Music”, which some amateurs, including me, and professionals join together. The audience is about 50 who are familiar to the performers in some points. They are very welcome to our music.
What does your recording set up look like (what do you use to record, what are your favorite tools)?
Answer: Actually, Sony VTR. Because at first it was recoded to upload in YouTube.
Which performers are the greatest influences for you and your music? Is there a dream lineup of performers that you would like to perform with if given the chance?
It’s Mater HIRAYAMA, Eizaburo, my teacher of mandolin. I would like to play on solo basis, and there is no such lineup.
Which sort of social media website have you had the best successes with? What about these online services are different from the traditional face to face meeting and performances that musicians utilize?
Answer: It seems to be Twitter. Twitter expands much more rapidly on the worldwide basis than any other means.
What should listeners expect from your music in the future? How can interested NeuFutur readers locate samples of your music?
Answer: The concept that music is cosmos itself, i.e. music includes everything. The readers will be access my music by way of Twitter, Facebook and ReverbNation at any time.
What does the rest of 2017 hold for you?
Answer: Success of “Pleasure of Music IV”
Thank you so much for your time. Finally, do you have any additional thoughts about life and the universe for our readers?
Answer: Each people sometimes confronts difficulties, however music relatively often relieve the person from the pain, trust me.