Posted on: July 13, 2017 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Fences do not just keep away stray animals and protect privacy. They increase the value to your property. A properly maintained fence can become an asset rather than a liability. If you had any doubts whether you should add a fence to your property, thinks you should definitely add it.

Every type of fence has a different purpose. Each kind commands different levels of care. Today, we will see the most popular fence types in Brisbane neighbourhoods.

Simple paling fence

This has to be the most popular type of fencing in Brisbane. It is also the most economical. Most companies use plantation grown CCA treated pine wood. One skin is usually 100mm wide. Fencing contractors use galvanized nails to hold them together. Putting them up is simple, but time-consuming.

Lapped paling fence

This one has two layers of palings. They overlap to remove any gap between the skins. If you want maximum privacy, you should think about getting a lapped paling fence instead of a simple paling one. They use treated pine timber in Brisbane localities.

Lapped and capped fence

This growth in popularity in Brisbane. You will see them in highbrow localities that demand both privacy and do not look. They usually use 100mm wide palings on top. This promotes privacy by removing the small gaps between the palings. They often use treated pine timber that is resistant to heat, drought, and rains.

Slat screens and fences

These are becoming quite popular in the city. Slat screens look smart, and they offer an artistic charm. If you want to add a modern touch to your home, go for slat screen fences without a second thought. Most companies use treated pine for their resistant qualities. If you want something classier, go for hardwood timber fences. To save precious bucks, go for composite boards. These are a new option in fencing. They use recycled materials. They are fantastic for the environment and beautifying for your home.

Retaining walls

Urban homes need retaining walls. If you are fighting against soil and dirt from a nearby construction site, you should go for a retaining wall. The best option is hardwood sleepers that provide complete protection. However, you can also go for the more traditional treated pine. If you are looking for stronger walls that can bear a heavy load, look for combined retaining walls. Intersperse the wooden fences with steel posts.

Lattice topped fences

These are beautiful to look at and very useful for protecting your privacy too. These Heritage styled pine timber fences, and Federation style fences include a lattice panel on top. This usually uses the same quality of wood as the rest of the fence. They can be up to 2.4 meters high. They provide added privacy and increase the aesthetic beauty of the home. You will see a huge variation in the height and styles of the fence. The paling section can be 1.5-1.8 meters high with a 300mm lattice on top of it.

Fences are necessary to protect your home and to add privacy. You can also increase the value to your property by adding the right kind of timber fencing. A home with modern fencing has a higher resale value as compared to one without a properly constructed or an ill-maintained fence.

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