Posted on: December 8, 2017 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Meditation has immense powers that can evoke love and kindness in humans to enable them to shower unconditional love on others just in the way we start loving any newborn or some small animal. This kind of love comes with no strings attached, as you do not want anything in return except to enjoy the inner peace derived from it. You just love others without being judgmental or expecting anything from them.  When you experience unconditional love you see the only goodness in others, no faults and no faltering, everything appears perfect despite the faults that might be. It is not that you only love others in this way, but you also love yourself that gives complete peace and tranquility, which makes you happy. It is possible to achieve the state of mind through love and kindness meditation, better known as Metta meditation among Buddhists.

It begins with you

As charity begins at home, Metta meditation too teaches you to love yourself first in an unconditional manner.  Kindness meditation teaches you to love yourself unconditionally first, and then you develop the same attitude for others. You learn how to shower unconditional love on others without any expectations. Once you get used to the attitude that becomes a part of your inner self, you would feel compassionate about even those who have deeply hurt you.

Focus on being compassionate to others

Meditations, at least most of them, aim at self-development with the focus on your inner self.  This is true for all religions that use meditation as a tool to reduce stress, sleep better, control your breath and release tensions that add together to producing a calming effect on the mind. You derive all these from Metta meditation too, but the difference is that the focus shifts from the inner self to compassion for others and this is a major deviation from other awareness meditations.

Be kind to yourself

Kindness meditation is quite different from awareness meditations in many other respects. Some meditations teach you to focus on sensations instead of responding to them. Such meditation aims to create awareness about the sensation that you experience but not attempt to react to it. All that you have to do is to acknowledge the sensation and observe it. Besides making you aware and raising the level of awareness, kindness meditation provides the tools that help to express your kindness for yourself. The kindness generates unconditional love that spreads peace through the mind.

Focus on the positive

As you practice kindness meditation, no matter in what kind of situation you might find yourself, you will learn to focus on the positive elements only. The compassion that you develop helps to see the positive elements among the entire negative that surrounds you. Although you are aware of the pain, compassion draws you towards the positive fallout instead of being angry about the reason that caused the pain.

Hope, empathy and positive action that emanates from compassion help you to win over anger and stay self-composed and at ease.

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