Posted on: January 19, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0
PCT Porter (Crux Fermentation)

Crux Fermentation’s PCT Porter pours with a dark brown coloration and a small amount of tannish head. There is a bit of toasted malt that is present in the initial bouquet. Crux has amped up the bitterness of the traditional porter style, avoiding much of the cloying sweetness that is present with traditional efforts in the style. The strong coffee and nut elements that permeate PCT Porter make for a very refreshing experience.

The blend of brown sugar, dark fruits, and the hint of bitter that laces through this brew is dense enough that individuals will continually find new twists and turns in subsequent sips. Crux Fermentation has done the porter style justice, making for a beer that works perfectly on its own while pairing nicely with strongly-flavored entrees and cuisines. I’d recommend matching up creamy and rich cheeses with PCT to allow new nuances to shine through.

Make sure to check out Crux Fermentation’s main domain and social media profiles for news, information about year-round and seasonal efforts, and to familiarize yourself about what the brewery is creating. PCT Porter is a solid go-to during these colder months.

Rating: 8.8/10

PCT Porter (Crux Fermentation) / 5.5% ABV /

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