Posted on: February 10, 2018 Posted by: Cyrus Rhodes Comments: 0

Randy Lyght’s “Bumped into Love” is a fantastic single from his fourth solo studio release, Another Side of Me, and marks another high point in the career of this fantastic vocalist and song interpreter. Lyght plays to what we know as familiar, but he has the talent and good sense to choose outstanding collaborators in such a way that there’s a signature luster emanating from the tune that others will never duplicate. Everything here is in place. It has a light soul and jazz edge, just the right amount of urgency, and a well tailored length that never overstays its welcome with listeners. It’s easy to figure out why this cut occupies such a high level when you take into account the voluminous experience Lyght brings to bear in making this tune and others work for listeners, but you can enjoy this song as a standalone entertainment experience that nourishes the heart and imagination alike.  


The warm, sustaining qualities of the song are evident from the first. Much of the instrumental attack is dominated by the horn section, but it isn’t so obtrusive that it comes off heavy handed in the mix. Instead, the brass playing and vocals exist quite well side by side and make an excellent tandem driving the song forward. They are recorded with immense attention to detail and the obvious attentiveness extends to every facet of the recording; each instrument occupies a distinctive slot in the mix, including Lyght’s voice, and the disparate elements are balanced with precision. Despite the obvious construction behind a song like this, both the singing and playing alike sound completely natural and roll out of the participants in a manner that suggests they might be recording the song live or this may be their first spin through the tune. This sort of spontaneity and inspired swing is difficult to stage or fake.


Lyght elevates the already fine lyric to a place where it compels a smile as well as allowing the listener to entertain a light storytelling aspect. Great singers get inside a tune and make it their own, separating just enough from the influences that shape its sound so it comes off as something truly individual, and Lyght does that here with astonishing ease. The sparks coming off the interplay between Lyght’s voice and the horns is an especially invigorating part of the performance and he seems supernaturally tuned in to just the right amount of musicality needed to play an excellent counterpoint. “Bumped into Love” is one of those moments as a listener when you bump into a tune that’s both musically satisfying and eminently likable. If we should consider it representative of Another Side of Me, and there’s no reason we shouldn’t, then Randy Lyght’s fourth solo effort is his best recording yet and shows this great vocal stylist may still not yet be at the peak of his awesome powers.




Shannon Cowden

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