Considering a too rapid development of modern technologies, there’s hardly an industry which still doesn’t use the benefits of these achievements. Pedagogy isn’t an exception to the rules. Otherwise stated, there are no significant obstacles which can prevent you from getting the education. Even if you reside in the most remote location, but wish to study at Oxford or Harvard, you can do this with ease. Digital transformation influenced education and you’ll notice this.
Today, we’ll discern about education and technology and analyze the most attractive technological solutions which can be applied in education. What tools can change the traditional approach to education? What modern trends can influence the students learning?
Set of Devices in the Classroom
Today, schools try not to use a traditional BYOD approach. Alternatively stated, students shouldn’t bring their devices to the classrooms and they shouldn’t visit labs with the aim to access a laptop. Very soon, all classes will be equipped with laptops or iPads for every student. Since 2014, schools have been started using Google Chromebooks and today, their number continues growing. Students also receive the basic knowledge about cyber safety.
Distance Learning Opportunities
If a student can’t leave his or her country but wishes to get the education, distance learning will be the best option. Lots of modern universities introduce diverse study programs for those students who can’t find time to attend classes personally. If you need an online Bachelor degree, you can choose one from 560 existing programs. Those, who need a Master’s degree program should remember that today, there are more than 2,000 distance learning programs for you.
Commonly, students who study remotely don’t have plenty of time to do all assignments. They either work or have children and they simply can’t dedicate their life to education only. In this case, they can find a cheap write my essay service – Essay.Coach, which will help them conduct one or another essay or paper. All these companies work online and you can place your order from your smartphone. This is very convenient because even if there is an urgent task, which should be ready within several hours, you can be sure that it will be delivered on time.
Augmented Reality
This is the most amazing achievement of the 21st century which is applied in the educational system as well. Collegers shouldn’t sit at their desks during the whole lesson because now, learning is more interactive. Mixed Reality is an ideal confirmation of this fact. This is a kind of transformative technology which is used by a teacher with the aim to create deep and immersive lessons. Otherwise stated, it helps teachers to bring a part of the remote world to the classroom. For instance, if collegers study the history of ancient Egypt, this technology will transfer them to this period virtually. There is no need to argue that this way of information perception is much more effective than all others.
Unfortunately, not all students have a chance to visit these lessons, but very soon, augmented reality will come to every classroom.
Artificial Intelligence
Though for some countries this technology is still regarded to be a dream, there are students who have already appreciated the benefits of this technology. Recently, the US Navy developed an AI-based tutorial system – Education Dominance. Firstly, this technology was introduced in Pensacola, USA. Today, it is still in the experimental stage but it shows excellent results. Its prime objective is to show how modern educational models should work. It is very similar to a human teacher, who constantly monitors the progress of every student.
Each student from a group receives absolutely different tasks that are personalized according to the knowledge of this particular student. The statistics data showed that those students who worked with this platform received higher grades.
The Use of Software
Except for new devices and technologies, teachers started using modern software products to vary their lessons and make them more attractive. For instance, collegers, studying mathematics, use such apps as Zearn, DreamBox or ST Math to improve their skills. Students, who dedicated their lives to language arts, use these programs to master their skills:
• Newsela,
• No Red Ink,
• Achieve 3000, etc.
Many teachers have already appreciated the benefits of testing apps (Quizlet).
Technology is a key player in the education sector because students should not only hear about some achievements but use this technology in practice too. This approach guarantees a successful result. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that very soon teachers will be unnecessary. Education is impossible without humans as well as without technology.