Posted on: April 10, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The whole dating experience has changed dramatically in the digital age. From Facebook connections to the swipe-right mentality, it’s never been easier to connect with prospective partners, but with that has come a set of challenges that our parents never had to face. While it might have once been considered the height of cool to book cinema tickets and a fancy restaurant, the dating landscape has transformed into something that demands the notion of experience. Standing out and being memorable is often the only way to secure that second date, but if you plan and prepare with a little thought, you may be able to escape the dating game forever.


Have some class


We’re not talking tuxedos and evening gowns for your first date; we’re talking education. That doesn’t mean sitting in a boring lecture! If you want to make the most of your date experience, then you really ought to consider taking your prospective partner along to a fun class. Check out the options in your area and look for fun stuff to do. While the movies may be a safe option, consider the fun you might have with a wine-tasting class or a dance class! For those who’d rather get a little messy, sign up for an introduction to art lesson and you and your date can enjoy a little creativity (and you can even compare the final artistic results).


Adding a touch of Sporty Spice


If you’ve already traded social media chats then you probably have an idea of your date’s interests before you even start thinking about creating the ultimate dating experience. The good thing about being able to chat instantly at any time is that you can get a much better idea of compatibility, which makes it even easier to plan that first date. If you’ve already bonded over a shared love of sport, then head to and get some NBA tickets, even if you support different teams. Be humble in defeat and gracious in victory, and you stand a much better chance of getting the next date, and you might even get to convert your dating partner to your team. That’s a double victory!


For music lovers


Music is the great leveler, and it’s rare to find someone with no interest in music at all. That’s why centering your first date around music is such a great idea. You could opt to go for a live gig and dance the night away (or go wild together in the mosh pit) or choose something more sedate like an evening sipping wine in a jazz bar. If you’re the confident type with a good set of lungs, you might even go all out and plan a night at a karaoke bar, where you can belt out some of your favorite tracks and impress with your utter inability to hold a note. Whatever your musical tastes may be, there are plenty of options available.



Remember, the dating landscape in this new millennium is about having fun and creating lasting memories. That way, even if the date doesn’t lead to romance, you’ve still had a great time with someone who might become a good friend, and that’s much better than ‘dinner and a movie’ yawnfests.

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