Posted on: February 14, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Summer comes with clement weather, beautiful budding flowers, long days and short nights, and warmth – too much warmth sometimes. Being the hottest season, the heat sometimes rises above comfort levels and can significantly affect people.

However, comfort isn’t the only issue that arises when the weather is scorching. UV rays are carried in direct sunlight, and these rays can have a terrible effect on human health, causing issues like sunburns and skin cancers.

Protecting yourself from dangerous rays is vital for you to maintain good health.

  • Avoid direct contact with the sun.

UV rays are transmitted mainly through contact with direct sunlight, so it’s best to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible. Stay indoors as much as possible for the part of the day when the sun’s intensity is at his highest. The time range is usually between 10 am and 4 pm.

  • Use sunscreen.

Sunscreen protects your skin from most of the UV rays. This is why it’s always advisable to put it on during the summer.

Using sunscreen doesn’t completely protect you from all the UV rays, so it’s still best to avoid too much contact with direct sunlight.

Sunscreens are labeled with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF). FDA regulations approve the use of sunscreens with an SPF rating of more than 15. However, most dermatologists recommend sunscreens of values of 30 and above.


  • Wear appropriate clothing.

Dressing for the summer sun can be tricky. This is because you want to cover as much skin while letting your skin breathe through your clothes.

However, when fighting against UV rays, the amount of skin the cloth covers is most paramount. Wear loose fitting but body-covering clothes to ensure you’re protected from the UV rays.

  • Get covering for your head.

Because most clothing doesn’t cover the face, it’s usually left exposed to face the harshest rays from the sun.  The forehead, ears, eyes, nose, and scalp all need protection from the sun, which is why wearing headgear is highly recommended.

You can choose to go for a hat or a face cap, depending on what appeals to you. Generally speaking, it’s more advisable for you to go for hats over caps if you don’t have long hair to protect your neck and ears.

Wholesale For Everyone has a beautiful array of hats and caps you can select to meet your exact needs.

  • Use UV sunglasses.

Research has shown that long-time exposure of the eyes to UV rays can lead to the formation of cataracts in the eyes. UV sunglasses protect the eyes from the direct sunlight causing the damage. Apart from the eyes, they also protect the skin around the eyes.

UV sunglasses come with labels, too, so be on the lookout for them. Any label saying ‘Meets ANSI Requirements’ or ‘UV absorption up to 400nm’ blocks out around 99% of the UV rays. If a sunglass is labeled as cosmetic, it blocks out around 70% of the UV rays.

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