Posted on: December 2, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Jane N’ The Jungle create a technically amazing effort that blends together progressive rock instrumentation with emotive, impassioned vocals. With a set of influences as wide-ranging as Metallica, Jethro Tull, and Santana, Jane N’ The Jungle are continually evolving and refining their musical output. Few songs are able to be enjoyed in such a wide-reaching fashion. One can just take Beach On Fire on its surface or they can dig deep into the intricate dynamics existing between the vox / guitars, guitars/drums, and the overall act’s output together. Simply one of the headiest, most fulfilling songs that we have heard so far this year.

We’ve covered Jane N’ The Jungle a few times, including Little Blue, One TimeKilled Someone, and Faded Stars .

Jane N The Jungle “Beach On Fire”  Facebook / Domain /

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