Posted on: December 9, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


Prince Avalanche is set in 1988 and benefits from a dazzling array of stars, which include Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch. While the film benefits greatly by the specific decisions made regarding the scenery, the writing is so taut that the story could easily be told on a threadbare stage. Throughout each part of the film, there is a certain laser-like focus that is put into furthering the narrative. The central theme of Prince Avalanche regards a couple – Lance (Hirsch) and Alvin (Rudd) and their summer spent painting lines on highways. What was more of a friendship of convenience begins to build to something decidedly greater – by the end of the film, Alvin and Lance have formed a bond that will not easily dissipate.

Prince Avalanche is a title that captures well the spirit of the late-eighties, while keeping current viewers interested enough in the title that they will stick around until the end. The audio and video are sufficiently crisp to allow for stunning backdrops, crystal-clear voices, and an experience in watching the film that touches upon full immersion. Well-stocked video stores will have a copy of Prince Avalanche (we reviewed the DVD; there is a Blu-Ray version floating around as well); fans of 1980s cinema or of independent efforts generally will be able to easily dive into this flick. A copy should cost around $15-20, and represents a perfect stocking stuffer for the of-age set.

Rating: 8.6/10

Prince Avalanche DVD Review / 2013 Magnolia Home Entertainment / 94 Minutes /

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