Posted on: January 23, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1


Namaste is a beer that a wide swath of imbibers can appreciate. The beer pours with the smallest amount of whitish head and a light, hazy color. The beer has a nose that yields hints of bananas, fruits, and a slight bit of an alcohol nose. As the beer continues to warm up, the sweeter elements of Namaste come into view. This means that the wit beer style starts to shine – the slight bits of citrus and banana that can be discerned is provided additional highlighting with a malt and barley backdrop. Slight amounts of pepper, lemon zest, and more tart elements provide additional nuance to the beer. The effervescence of this beer keeps everything light and airy, while the alcohol percentage (4.8%) make this into a beer that can start off a night perfectly. The beer concludes with a small amount of hops, an amount that is just enough to cleanse one’s palette and prepare it for the next quaff. Visit the Dogfish Head website for more information about the brewery, their efforts, and pick up a bottle or a glass of Namaste from any bar which you can reliably procure Dogfish Head efforts.

Rating: 8.9/10

Namaste / 4.8% ABC / Dogfish Head / /

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