Posted on: June 13, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 2

Gruit is an eclectic effort that New Belgium has produced for their Lips of Faith series; the beer pours with a golden color and along-lasting, thick white head. The beer has a peppery and lemony flavor that provides imbibers with a different set of tastes with each subsequent sip. Gruit concludes with a slight hop bite and hints of malt. While the IBU level (3) is incredibly low, the inclusion of the bittering herb gives a fullness to Gruit that will ensure that an individual will be able to complete the beer, no matter where they are at in their session.

New Belgium has included yarrow, wormwood, elderflowers, bog myrtle, and horehound in this effort to provide additional nuance to the beer. What results here is something that is eminently drinkable for a wide subset of drinkers without excluding those individuals that may be just getting into more challenging efforts. While the beer utilizes Belgian sour yeast, the effort is not mouth-puckering.

Make sure to visit the New Belgium website for more information about their year-round and seasonal efforts.  Gruit is available in 22 ounce bottles and is pegged at 6.6% alcohol by volume, and it is alluring, delectable, and provides a great experience for spring. Pair this with fish or chicken for additional oomph.

Rating: 8.8/10

New Belgium Gruit / Lips of Faith Series / 6.6% ABV / /

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