Posted on: December 12, 2017 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

If you are getting ready to learn how to drive, or you have already had a couple of lessons, you may be feeling a little bit anxious about the whole thing. Not everyone is a confident driver, and some people have the problem of being overconfident. Either way, the important thing is to remain calm and to embrace the whole process. It is a learning curve after all – not everything is going to go smoothly. But, to help you feel more prepared, read on to discover some of the common learner driver mistakes to avoid.

Failing to choose a driving instructor with care – There is only one place to begin, and this is with the process of selecting a driving instructor. A lot of people make the mistake of going for the cheapest instructor they can find, or choosing someone simply because their friend has recommended them. It is important to make sure the driving instructor is right for you. If you choose a driving instructor that doesn’t suit your learning style, you may end up hating your driving lessons, which is the last thing you want. Some people prefer teachers who are strict and straight to the point, others prefer instructors that are more caring and reassuring. So, take the time to find someone that is right for you, and read reviews online to ensure that the instructor has a great reputation.

Panicking – Of course, when someone tells you not to worry or panic, it can be very frustrating. After all, you don’t want to feel this way – you can’t help it. However, you need to find a way to stop your emotions from taking over. You have nothing to worry about. You wouldn’t be allowed to learn how to drive if it was not safe. If you do something wrong, your instructor will take the wheel, so you have nothing to worry about. If you are someone that gets anxious, you should learn about breathing techniques that will help you to relax before and during the wedding.

Being overconfident – While some people panic and worry about driving, questioning every decision they make, there are other people that are overconfident. This can easily happen if you are someone that has already got behind the wheel a few times. You can feel like you know it all and you don’t even need driving lessons. However, people that learn this way often pick up bad habits, which need to be ironed out. It is important that you listen to your instructor and that you learn how to drive the way they teach you, rather than the way you have taught yourself. After all, you are only going to pass your driving test if you follow your instructor’s approach.

A lack of road awareness – Sitting behind the wheel can be rather overwhelming. When you are driving, it can be tempting to simply focus on the road ahead of you. However, you need to be aware of everything that is going on around you. You don’t only need to know what is going on in front of you; you need to know what is up ahead of you too. This will ensure you are aware of any problems that lie ahead.

Dwelling on mistakes – Don’t dwell on any mistakes you make. A lot of people seem to forget that they are taking driving lessons. You aren’t meant to know everything straight away. You are learning, so mistakes are to be expected. After all, you wouldn’t get stressed if you were taking a computer course and you didn’t know everything on the schedule beforehand, would you? So, there is no need to worry if you don’t know things or make mistakes before doing your driving lesson. The best thing you can do is learn from the error you have made and move on.

Not thinking carefully about when to have driving lessons – It is important to take your driving lessons at a time of day that is right for you, and at a frequency that is right for you. Everyone is different, so there is no right or wrong when it comes to this. It is all about working out what suits you. With regards to the frequency of lessons, everyone is different. You may burn out if you take too many lessons in quick succession, which is why it is vital to relax and refresh. On the other hand, if you are someone who gets nervous about driving, you should not have lessons too far apart. If you do this, you will allow your anxiety to build up, and you could get worried about getting in the car again for your next lesson. With regards to the time of day you take your lessons, there are a number of factors that should be considered. Firstly, don’t overlook the fact that most driving tests are taken during the day, which is why it can be a good time to learn during the day. Aside from this, you need to think about when you are your most productive. Some people learn better at night, whereas other people prefer the mornings. Determine what works best for you. And lastly, your working hours may play a role as well, which; unfortunately, you can’t do too much about!

Not paying enough attention – It is important to give your driving lesson all of your attention. Make sure all distractions are taken away. You should turn your mobile off and leave it at home, or at least in your bag. Distracted driving at the very worst can be exceptionally dangerous. Moreover, if you aren’t fully present, you won’t be learning effectively, and so it will take much longer for you to get it right and pass your test.

Choosing the wrong shoes – This is a mistake that you will definitely live to regret. You need to choose your shoes with care. The first and most important rule is to make sure they are comfortable. Choose shoes that have a firm sole, but make sure the sole is not too thick. You need to be able to feel the car’s feedback. Of course, it goes without saying, but we’ll say it… no heels please ladies!

Not driving in the correct driving position – Last but not least, you need to make sure you adjust your car properly before you start driving – before you even start the engine. Don’t settle for a seating position that is okay; it needs to be perfect. Adjust the mirrors, the seat and anything else that is required to ensure you are completely at ease and that you can see effectively. Even your seat belt needs to be on correctly and comfortable. Otherwise, it can distract you, which is a safety hazard.

If you can avoid the mistakes that have been mentioned above, you can give yourself a much greater chance of a smoother and stress-free driving lesson. But as mentioned, the vital part is to stay calm and not to worry about any mistakes you make. Errors are part of the learning process. They are to be expected, so you should never dwell on them. Simply learn from them and move on.


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