Posted on: March 26, 2024 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

Somebody is the latest track from Karen Atkins, coming forth in a poppy style that contains some smart instrumental arrangements. The track comes out as something decidedly different from the rest of the music currently choking up the radio charts, a welcome change from the average. The song has hints of pop, world music, EDM, and folk. No two moments of Somebody sound the same, a fact that keeps the song interesting no matter how many times one puts it on. The sheer charisma exhibited by Karen here is the glue that holds these distanct elements together, transforming them into a sublimely fun composition from beginning to end.

We’ve previously covered a few of Karen’s songs, including her Slip Slidin’ Away and High On Love (Can’t Get Too).

Karen Atkins “Somebody” / 2024 Self Released / 2:40 / Domain / Youtube / Spotify

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