Posted on: June 22, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Secrets of the Moon – Antithesis / 2007 Self / 9 Tracks / / / Reviewed 21 June 2007

Secrets of the Moon start out their “Antithesis” with a well thought-out entry in “Nowhere 11.18”. The track gradually grows in speed and uses repetition to get into listeners’ heads. The band is able to tie together different elements and create something compelling without having to resort to vocals. The orchestration of Secrets of the Moon during this track lays a solid framework with which the band can use on subsequent tracks.

The band changes things up considerably for the first full track of “Antithesis”, “Versus”. This track is much more hard and chaotic, standing in opposition to the opening track. Included in this track is a set of vocals that maintain a space at the high registers, which does give the band a different and fuller sound. The six minutes of “Versus” go by quickly, as Secrets of the Moon continue the same high level of story-telling that first distinguished “Antithesis” from the other metal albums on the market. There seems to be a little of a grunge tinge to Secrets of the Moon for their third foray into “Antithesis”. This track, “Ordinance”, still has the same type of brutal metal that one comes to expect from the band, but the band shifts its sound enough to keep individuals interested for another nearly eight minute song. In regard to the sheer value of “Antithesis”, individuals cannot find a cheaper album. There is an hour of metal that ranges the gamut from grunge to death metal to orchestral metal, while the band creates a thread common to all of the tracks.

The vocals come out further during “Confessions”, while the guitars act in a way that is similar to a Cradle of Filth at time. Regardless, the music that Secrets of the Moon play on this track will once again keep individuals at the edge of their seat, wondering where the band will go with the next track. Secrets of the Moon may just be the best metal band that only a pitiful few have heard. Their intensity, fire, and overall drive is something that bands would love to have but never seem to achieve. “Antithesis” is perhaps the premiere metal album of 2006 and 2007, so if one considers themselves a fan of the genre, “Antithesis” is a necessity. Pick this album and prior ones up; the band will undoubtedly improve upon this sound in the future, and have improved on their past work.

Top Tracks: Confessions, Ordinance

Rating: 7.9/10

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