Posted on: July 25, 2024 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Rick Trevino’s “The Ride” builds upon 1990s country performers like Garth Brook and Alan Jackson. The song is immaculately-arranged, with each piano and guitar line contributing to something that is considerably greater than the sum of its constituent parts. The paired vocals that are added into the mix during the song’s chorus add further complexity and depth to The Ride. What’s most surprising to us is that Trevino et al are able to blend together such a wide array of different elements into something that will stick around listeners’ brains long after Rick closes up shop.

We covered Rick Trevino all the way back in 2018, checking out his I Am A Mexican single.

Rick Trevino “The Ride” / 2024 Self Released  / 4:23 /  Domain / Youtube / Facebook

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