Woolworthy – Sweet Second Place
11 songs made by Woolworthy on their own label in ’99. The whole album is a lot more pop orientated then their 1st album, which means very clear guitar lines and very pro recording. The 1st song, Leap Year, sounds incredibly like a Fuel song, right down to the vocals. Woolworthy has progressed from Pop Punk to Power Pop .This means the songs are more glossy, but a majority of the songs are still about love. The disc is quite listenable, with powerful guitar, and great drumming with strong lyrics. One of the complaints i have about the band is that the lead vocalist gets kind of annoying, essentially on ” Its good to see you again” . While the songs sound great, the band seems to be trying to emulate all of the popular alt. rock bands of today, doing well, but sounding like everyone else. Another peeve is that the songs run together without any noticable differences between them. They lyrics are great, but they dont really fit in power pop. They can be reached at Rick Uncapher, 1844 W. Augusta #2F, Chicago IL 60622, or at 773.862.8232
Woolworthy – S/T
14 songs made by Woolworthy on their own label in ’96. Once broken up, they are now back together. They are a 4 person pop punk band from Chicago. Fast melodic pop-punk with a high pitched guy on vocals. Punchy guitars combine with speed drumming to produce a good punk band. Woolworthy also has some indy rock influences, as evidenced by “Bad Penny”. Woolworthy has a level of talent that they can transcend the boundries of punk and sound like anything they want to.” Crash Crash” has one of the best beginning guitar parts ever. Woolworthy is good bouncy music. They are going to have a new album out soon. As the cd spins on, they sound more and more like an indy-rock band, but they throw in a pop-punk song so as to not get stale. They even go into the dreaded emo terriory on a few songs, which they amazingly dont sound like crap on. They can be reached at Rick Uncapher, 1844 W. Augusta #2F, Chicago IL 60622, or at 773.862.8232