Posted on: May 1, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs #26 / $? / 20M / / 445 ½ Randolph Street, Meadville PA 16335 /

Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs is always an interesting zine. This issue begins with a color cover of seagulls, and moves from that into one of the “True Adventures of Steve Steiner”. This issue of NCE50E has a varied approach, which means that much like an issue of MAD Magazine, there is not typically a common thread to the pieces in the issue besides the creator of said pieces. “Get Rich The Easy Way” is a satirical piece that attempts to show individuals how to achieved the titled state. This piece is full of advice like “Additionally, avoid Arabian oil barons…You will have to compete with all of his other wives for attention.”, and provides individuals with an easy introduction to Steve’s humor for this issue. This same brand of humor is shown during “Evolution Gone Wild”, which shows the latest in evolved species, owing to the increasing amount of global warming in the world. “The Real Death of the Crocodile Hunter” is a different piece all together. While still humorous, it comes forth as an opinion pieces instead of being completely over the top. The change in focus is a smart move by Steiner, and refreshes individuals for the second half of the zine. The zine has a high repeat value to it, and I have found myself reading this issue more times than I can count. Make sure to hit up Steve’s Myspace and see how much it would be to pick up a new issue of this fun, funny, and all-around solid zine.

Rating: 7.4/10

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