Posted on: October 24, 2008 Posted by: Jay NeuFutur Comments: 0

Spy Fox In Dry Cereal is the first chapter of the Spy Fox trilogy, which saw releases later on of subsequent chapters (“Some Assembly Required” and “Operation Ozone”). This first chapter has been released for the Nintendo Wii by Majesco, and the game itself has been given enough in the way of spit and polish to really make full use of the unique control system of the Wii. Majesco has made every type of motion and movement important, ensuring that Spy Fox’s 100 levels will get players involved in countless other ways. The price-point at which the game is set (less than $20) ensures that even in this recession, any interested individual can purchase one.

The unique thing in my opinion about Spy Fox in Dry Cereal is the disconnected style of the game: the adventure itself is randomly oriented, to ensure that there is a tremendous amount of replay value to be had. Furthermore, the fact that the game was created in this style ensures that players have to use their own mettle to figure out all the tricks, twists and turns of the title, rather than merely firing up a site like Gamefaqs or the like. I have little doubt in my mind that the successful interpretation of Spy Fox on the Wii console will urge Majesco on to release the subsequent titles in the line and also to take other storied titles and do them up right for the Wii.

This will ensure that players can be shown the classics – either known or unknown – and to have a wider array of great games in a Nintendo Wii library that seems at times to be on the slightly light side. The game itself may have originally been intended for a slightly younger subset (original developer Humongous Entertainment pegged the age range at about 5 to 10 years old), but the solid game play, vibrant graphics, and compelling story will ensure that older players will have fun going through the title. We here at NeuFutur print and online may not have had the chance to review Majesco titles in the past, but Spy Fox in Dry Cereal ensures that we will definitely keep an ear firmly planted to the ground in the months and years to come.

Rating: 8.9/10

Spy Fox in Dry Cereal (Wii) / 2008 Majesco / /

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