Posted on: December 27, 2008 Posted by: Kristopher Shepard Comments: 0

It’s the holiday’s whoop-dee fucking shit. Obviously, I’m not the most spirited person this time of year. I really despise the snow and the whole green and red color scheme. But, there’s always one upside and that’s excellent songs about the wonderful Christmas holiday, here’s my top five list of songs that you should listen to while getting fat on cookies and ham.

5. Meneguar – Christmas isn’t Christmas
A truly excellent ode to being bored and depressed at Christmas time which is usually how I feel when I see that first god damned drop of the white fluffy stuff. Oh, if you haven’t heard of Meneguar yet find them truly excellent tunes.

4. Jets to Brazil – Psalm
Not necessarily about Christmas but has that groovy gospel hymn thing going for it one of those songs I could see his high holyness Blake Schwarzenbach (Jawbreaker/Jets to Brazil, do I really need to tell you this?). Let’s hope he rises from the dead and puts out another album for us in the near future.

3. Frank Black – You Can’t Crucify Yourself
From the legendary frontman of The Pixies and The Catholics respectievely, a great song that reminds us it takes two to tango, I can’t help but think that if Jesus has an iPod this is deffinitely on his playlist.

2. Fear – Fuck Christmas
How couldn’t this be on my list? Fear fucking rules! Need I say more? Fuck Christmas.

1. Stiff Little Fingers – White Christmas
A cover of jolly ol’ Bing Crosby, Stiff Little Fingers does what they do best and makes this song so much better. Cause you know you’re dreaming of a white Christmassssssssssss.

Enjoy the list, enjoy the tunes and if you’re somewhere warm I hate you.

Happy Holiday’s!

-Kristopher D. Shepard

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