Posted on: January 2, 2009 Posted by: anfnewsacct Comments: 0

Friday, Jan. 22, Philadelphia, PA, World Café
Saturday, Jan. 23, New York, NY, Webster Hall
Sunday, Jan. 24, Boston, MA, Somerset
Tuesday, Jan. 25, Montreal, PQ, Metropolis
Wednesday, Jan. 27, Toronto, ONT, Opera House
Thursday, Jan. 28, Detroit, MI, Crofoot Ballroom
Friday, Jan. 29, Chicago, IL, Logan Square
Monday, Feb. 1, Denver, CO, Bluebird
Tuesday, Feb. 2, Salt Lake City, UT, Urban Lounge
Thursday, Feb. 4, Seattle, WA, King Cat
Friday, Feb. 5, Vancouver, BC, Venue
Sunday, Feb. 7, San Francisco, CA, Regency
Monday, Feb. 8, Sant Cruz, CA, Rio Theater
Tuesday, Feb. 9, Los Angeles, CA, Henry Fonda
Friday, Feb. 12, Dallas, TX, Granada
Saturday, Feb. 13, Austin, TX, Mohawk
Sunday, Feb. 14, New Orleans, LA, Republic
Tuesday, Feb. 16, Miami, FL, Revolution
Wednesday, Feb. 17, Orlando, FL, Firestone
Thursday, Feb. 18, Atlanta, GA, Loft
Saturday, Feb. 20, Washington DC, 9:30 Club

Nouvelle Vague teamed up with the legendary creators of these musical gems for a series of duets including “Master & Servant” (feat. Martin Gore), “Road to Nowhere”, “All My Colours (feat. Ian McCulloch), “Blister In The Sun”, “Our Lips Are Sealed” (feat. Terry Hall), “God Save The Queen”, “Parade” (feat. Barry Admanson)

Led by producer/arrangers Marc Collin and Olivier Libaux and sung by a revolving cast of chanteuses, the group’s first two albums, Nouvelle Vague (2004) and Bande A Part (2006) have sold well over half-a-million copies. Not wishing to tinker with this winning formula, but evolving all the same, “3” picks up where “Bande A Part” left off, and this time they’re joined by some famous names.

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