Posted on: March 15, 2009 Posted by: anfnewsacct Comments: 0

What is the Killola cult? L.A. underground buzzsaw band’s rabid fans, free album, extensive touring and SXSW show with the New York Dolls explained. Group kicks off “Hell On Heels” tour today with Semi-Precious Weapons and Von Iva.

“Teaching quirky ‘80s new wave pop hooks how to stomp glitter-rock-style, I Am The Messer just might pack as many eccentric but indelible melodic and rhythmic twists into its 10 songs as any rock record this year” – Chuck Eddy (Village Voice, Billboard Magazine)

“You’ll need to brace yourself for the drool-able Lisa Rieffel, who blazes over Sparks-like tracks like she just gave Gwen Stefani a bloody nose.” – L.A. Weekly

Cults of all kinds seem to spring up in Los Angeles. It is a city well known for its history of obsessive sects, but few L.A. rock bands have ever enjoyed the kind of rabid fervor of its fans nationwide as Killola. The underground buzzsaw pop band’s loyal followers are often known to get tattoos of the band’s logo (see HERE) and/or add the group’s familiar “K))” symbol to their online screen names. Killola’s latest album I Am The Messer has been downloaded over 40,000 times and lauded as “Blondie for the 21st Century.” Grab your free copy of I Am The Messer HERE. Now, the garage pop quartet has been tapped to support the New York Dolls this month at the South By Southwest music festival in Austin, TX, and synth-pop heroes Berlin later at the House of Blues in Los Angeles.

How did this young underground band become so popular? Its infectious tunes and lovely front woman Lisa Rieffel notwithstanding, the simple answer is: touring. Killola tours relentlessly, winning over obsessively dedicated new fans with every stop. That endless evangelism continues this week as the “Hell On Heels” west coast tour (with Semi Precious Weapons and Von Iva) kicks off. Immediately following that jaunt, Killola has the honor of playing with the legendary New York Dolls at 504 Trinity Street during SXSW. Dates follow in April with Berlin, then yet another tour in May (please see complete dates below.)

Killola lead singer Lisa Rieffel recently played the role of Daisy Robson in the Girltrash! web-series created by Angela Robinson (creator of Showtime’s The L Word). Robinson asked the singer to act on the show after having seen a Killola performance in Los Angeles.

Since signing a deal with True Anthem, a new digital distribution company specializing in free downloadable albums through strategic brand sponsorships, Killola’s latest album I Am The Messer has notched over 40,000 downloads in its first months of distribution. Following the band’s string of successfully self-booked U.S. and UK tours, the M.O.B. Agency — the elite outfit responsible for booking No Doubt and Gwen Stefani, Fountains of Wayne, Joan Jett, Girl In A Coma and others — recently signed Killola to their tight roster of touring bands.

And the press already loves Killola. See below for some quotes from the media, find out for yourself by downloading your FREE copy of I Am The Messer, get yourself to a Killola show in your town, and drink, drink, drink the Killola-Aid.

Artist: Killola

Title: I Am The Messer

Label: Self-Released

Full Album Download: HERE

01. This Is How The World Ends (MP3)

02. All of My Idols Are Dead (MP3)

03. Strung Out On Sunshine

04. Is This A Love Song?

05. The Man From Kilimanjaro (Interlude)

06. Personal Graveyard

07. Heartrate 160

08. Wa Da We Da

09. You Can’t See Me Because I’m A Stalker

10. 10,000 Pound Ego

11. Who We Think We Are (Bonus Track)

12. Cracks In The Armor (Bonus Track) (MP3)

Killola Live:

* w/ Kristeen Young

03/17 Houston, TX @ TBA

03/20 Austin, TX @ 504 Trinity St. SXSW w/ New York Dolls

04/04 Hollywood, CA @ House of Blues w/ Berlin

04/17 Anaheim, CA @ House of Blues w/ Berlin

05/15 Seattle, WA @ Studio Seven *

05/17 Portland, OR @ Dante’s *

05/18 Sacramento, CA @ Fire Escape *

05/19 San Jose, CA @ The Blank Club *

05/20 Oakland, CA @ The Uptown *

05/21 Santa Barbara, CA @ Muddy Waters *

05/23 Las Vegas, NV @ The Beauty Bar *

05/24 San Diego, CA @ Bar Pink *

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