Posted on: September 29, 2009 Posted by: anfnewsacct Comments: 0

Coming through the new-rock and nu-metal of the last few years, Escape From Earth will honestly surprise me if they don’t get some national attention in the new few months. “Yesterday” comes to the fray with a Static-X and Hoobastank like sound with multi-part harmonies and tribal drums that just give chills to anyone who listens to it. Each track is radio-friendly without being completely insipid and vacuous, being able to please both the casual listener and the serious fan. Everything is solidly mastered, and as such, emotion shines through without seeming as if a bunch of computer programs are playing the songs. Each track on “Three Seconds East” shows a different facet to Escape From Earth, with “One Thing or Another” being the harder-edge track, and “Yesterday” enlightening people to their softer side. Each instrument on “Three Seconds East” is clear enough to be discernible during the tracks, but not far enough removed from the rest of the instruments to be disjointed.

The amount of work done with the multi-part harmonies on this disc is amazing, and is done consistently well, without any discord in voices. Escape From Earth is yet another example of a band, like Fixer, that is at the top of their game in a genre that is completely oversaturated at the star level with individuals who are mediocre at best. Now, whether enough individuals will be able to hear “Three Seconds East” or any of the later work that Escape From Earth does it really based on the veracity of its street teams members. All the instruments are solidly played, the songs are wonderfully arranged, and each track is different enough that the high level of interest is maintained throughout the disc.

The intensity of Escape From Earth is unrivaled, even on canned CD music, and it simply blows my mind what the band might be able to do given a venue and a crowd. The guitar lines on this disc, while familiar (being iterations of the same general sound), are played in such a way to compliment the vocals on the disc, providing almost as much of a dual-harmonization as having another band member sing along with Chris. It is quite rare when a band comes into some small amount of fame with talent in this day of Clearchannel corporatism and robotic music, and Escape From Earth cuts through all the bullshit to provide a product that is compelling and musically decent.

Top Track: Never Hear

Rating: 8.3/10

Escape From Earth – Three Seconds East / 5 Tracks / 2004 Self-Released / / Reviewed 22 March 2004

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