Posted on: October 17, 2009 Posted by: anfnewsacct Comments: 0

While different styles dominate during the first track of “Naked on the Black Floor”, most notably electronic-metal in the vein of Fear Factory and the nu-metal push of bands like Disturbed, what comes forth much more clearly on the disc is a more classic style that taps bands like Queensryche. The blend of styles is essentially what Event Horizon is; where “Everything that begins must end” begins the disc and shows the band as possessing that style, “Deconstructed” is a further explanation of this style.

The fact that Event Horizon can blend together all of these styles shows that the band actually has some chops; the blend of these styles means that an older, Judas Priest style can be renovated and Event Horizon not seem so far behind the times. Tracks like “Bited” bring the nu-metal to the fore, throwing in a electronic sound into the opening as a Korn style sets the stage for the band during the track. Some of the screaming by lead vocalist Gianluigi seems to be extraneous; I understand that showing your range is something to show one’s talent, but there is little in the way of context for going through the register at times.

Event Horizon does not do anything that is completely new and removed from the rest of metal music, but their step in incorporating different styles of hard rock and metal is important. If enough up and coming bands listen to this album, the chance that what Event Horizon does on this album could be turned into a genre increases. The talent in which Event Horizon crafts their amalgamation means that more and more individuals will have the pleasure to listen to this album. The band does not let their fanbase calm down during the entirety of “Naked on the Black Floor”. Each track could be a hit in 1985 as much as it could be a hit in 2005; Event Horizon is a metal band that reaches beyond the crowds of their genre and attempts to grab a larger segment of the populace. Perhaps the strongest track on “Naked on the Black Floor” is “Fragments of Insanity”. The extended length of the track gives Event Horizon a minor challenge, but the band succeeds with flying colors and even expands their sound to include a very soulful brand of bass line, which brings the band into progressive metal and funk.

Top Tracks: Fragments of Insanity, Deconstructed

Rating: 6.5/10


Event Horizon – Naked on the Black Floor / 2006 Cruz Del Sur / 9 Tracks / / / Reviewed 04 June 2006

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