4 piece band with very fast and old style Offspring sounding guitar riffs. The recording isn’t great but the SoCal sound still lives with this Canadian band. The sound of the album is one of urgency and is perfect moshing music. The guitar line for “Our new evolution” sounds a little bit like the amazing offspring song off their self-titled release called Tehran. Fade out’s songs are very catchy and just beg to be listened to over and over. “Sorry” has one of the greatest pauses I have heard from a punk band. I don’t mean to , but the guitarist in Fade Out needs to be worshipped as the guitar lines on “Sorry” are so amazing and unique, perfectly fitting the lyrics and the drum lines. Definitely check out this band, as they are one of the few bands that I have reviewed that have honestly blew me away. I can only hope to hear these guys progress as the years pass, as I was awestruck at the talent that this band exudes. Hidden songs are usually some of the best a band has to offer, and Fade Out’s hidden song is no different. The chorus on this song is just so catchy that it could easily rival a Jimmy Eat World song. This love song is one that is actually good without being sappy, and short to top it off. Too bad that im such an asshole is the best line off this cd In fact, this very short EP is of such a quality that it joins the elite group of artist to be put in the NeuFutur hall o fame. Go to their site at fadeout.20m.com and throw some money at them for this cd.