Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is the third in the Motorstorm line, and it represents a transition for the title that may either save or wreck the series. The previous two Motorstorm titles were on the Playstation 3, while Motorstorm: Arctic Edge takes a step back and allows players of the PSP and the PS2 a chance at the franchise. The amount of vehicles players can use (24) and the differentiation of each class of vehicle (8 in total) gives tremendous amounts of specialization that can be had.
Whether it be a bike, rally car, or even a snowplow, players will have to go through the different race tracks (Vertigo, Eagle Falls, and 10 others). Aside from the different types of race vehicles and race tracks, what an individual can do in regards to tooling the vehicles up is simply fantastic. To ensure that players enjoy the fastest possible time, Motorstorm: Arctic Edge provides customization that includes better spoilers, exhaust pipes, and even liveries. Aside from that bit of customization, the effect that players have on the environment is significant: ice bridges that allow a number of players to make their lap while breaking for the individual that is slightly slower, while avalanches can be triggered that will slow down anyone unlucky enough to be underneath it.
The game straddles the line between reality and fantasy, and is able to do much of the same in regards to the visual and audio qualities it possesses. At its base level, Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is a memorabvle racing title that really stretchers the limit of what individuals should expect form their PSPs. The foundations laid down by Bigbig Studios for the more mobile version of this title ensure that there can be a number of titles in this line that shine on their own and even at points above the efforts released for the Playstation 3. Check it out today.
Rating: 8.0/10
Motorstorm: Arctic Edge (Sony PSP) / 2009 PSP /