There are hundreds of different products that are released every year that look to carve out a niche for themselves. The sad fact is that a number of these products do not contribute significantly to snacking or are otherwise forgettable. Popcorners is a new product, that has been released in three flavors. Popcorners are crafted with non-GMO grain and is gluten free. The flavoring of each Popcorners type absolutely bursts; each bite will level snackers while not being overly present.
Our favorite flavor of the Popcorners Whole Grain line has to be the Twisted Salt. This is because the Twisted Salt is a smarter version of movie popcorn, with an incredible crunch and enough salt to keep individuals snacking along until they have finished the bag.
Keep an eye on Popcorners in the end of 2013, as the company is looking to expand their line. The snack is filling and is much better for those that are on a diet than comparable chips. For example, the Memphis BBQ flavor bag contains one ounce of Popcorners, with 4 grams of fat (6% RDV), 2 grams of dietary fiber (6%) and 3 grams of protein on only 120 calories. When coupled with a meat and proper amounts of vegetables and fruits, I feel that Popcorners Whole Grain could precipitate weight loss in anyone that swaps their normal chips out. Make sure to check out your local supermarket or gas station for Popcorners products; we will be stocking them in NeuFutur headquarters from here on out.
Rating: 9.0/10
Popcorners Whole Grain Review – Memphis BBQ, Twisted Salt, and Sweet Cinnamon Review /