Perennial Artisan Ales has created a delectable dunkel, swapping out the large amount of sweetness with a nice hint of alcohol. The dunkel pours with a dark brown and a slight reddish tone, and a small amount of off-white lacing sots on the top of the glass. The dunkel has a slight amount of a pepper note, providing additional nuance to the beer.
Perennial has placed their Black Walnut Dunkel in 750 ml bottles, ensuring that one will be able to get into a nice mindset off of a single bottle. The effort lends itself well for tasting, meaning that 4-6 individuals can get a substantive sample of the Dunkel. The inclusion of walnuts into the dunkel format pushes Perennial’s effort into the stratosphere; for the short time that it is available, it will be one of the most talked-about beers in production.
As the beer continues to warm up, the specific array of flavors and tastes change. Hints of clove and nutmeg present themselves in this later side of things. Make sure to visit Perennial Artisan Ales’ website for more information about the Black Walnut Dunkel and the variety of their efforts.
Rating: 9.5/10
Black Walnut Dunkel / Perennial Artisan Ales / 6.6% ABV / http://www.perennial