Full Sail’s ESB pours with a dark-brown / reddish hue and a small amount of persistent off-white head. The beer’s initial flavors link together sweet with a slight amount of hops. Full Sail has pegged their ESB at a level that will keep individuals warm through the spring months while still having enough outward sweetness to include the widest possible swath of imbibers.
The beer is able to keep a substantial backbone through the inclusion of five distinct versions of malts on Challenger hops – not matter how much the beer warms up, one will be presented with the same unique and approachable constellation of flavors that they had initially experienced. Make sure to pick up Full Sail’s ESB before it goes off of shelves – it is available for less than a quarter of the year Visit the Full Sail website for more information about their seasonal and their year-around efforts, their pub, and further information about their employee-owned status and their sustainability efforts.
Rating: 8.2/10
Full Sail ESB / FS Pub Series / 6.5% ABV / http://www.fullsailbrewing.com/
[…] the last few years, we have reviewed a number of Full Sail’s offerings including their ESB, Session Cream Ale, Bock, IPA and Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout. Individuals that wish to […]
[…] the last few years, we have reviewed a number of Full Sail’s offerings including their ESB, Session Cream Ale, Bock, IPA, Wassail and Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout. For more […]