Hello. Can you provide us a little information about yourself and what you are attempting to do with your music?
I’m attempting to conquer the world! Just kidding, I just wanna be heard and appreciated for trying to bring something a little different and unique and maybe even odd to the table.
I wanted to be a singer ever sense I can remember my self, I started writing songs around the age of 10, and by the age of 14 I join the drama and music class in my school, and the vision of making my own record started then.
when I was 21 I studied production and sound in Israel (where I’m from). but it was only when I was 25 that I felt that I have the right materials to make an album.
What difficulties have you experienced in your musical career?
This is an indie record, and I was really lucky to find my self working with the right people, at the end. but when I made the decision to make this record, I worked with two producers who didn’t share my vision for this album.
So as an indie singer songwriter, that was difficult to handle cause’ I was on my own, I didn’t have the support of a label or a major company. Also, financial when you’re an unsigned artist, all the finance has to come from you.
But the biggest issue is to get noticed and heard, especially when your an artist from Israel trying to be heard world wide.
Moving to Wonderland is your new album. What significance does the album’s title have?
First of all, it’s the theme song from the album and it sums up all the stories from all the songs in the album. The need to find my “Wonderland” and my place in the world is what this album is basically about.
How has your style evolved and changed over the time since you first started playing?
I worked on this album for over a year and got to work with so many amazing musicians and got to be a little involved in the music industry in israel,
and it really opened up my mind and I learned new things. I think that from a child who just wanted to sing nice songs, I became a singer with a very eclectic taste and I also find myself today really wanting to experiment.
Can you describe your creative process and your recording set up for us?
I’m the worst player in the world! but I do know my music, so I usually write the music using midi and cubase. It usually start with a song title for me, and then the music using midi (usually piano), and then I sing melodies over the music.
Once I decide on a main vocal line I write lyrics to it.
What acts have been the most influential in creating your unique sound?
I’m a huge Elton John fan, Fleetwood Mac, Queen, Stevie Nicks, Alanis Morissette, florence and machine, like I said, I have a very eclectic taste, so it’s a mixture of old and new, pop and rock, the list just go on and on. I just love music.
Which tracks are your favorite on Moving to Wonderland, and what makes them so?
Of course, “Moving to Wonderland”, then I have to say “Vagabond”, “Transitory”, “I wanna be your secret”, I love all the songs in the album but I think the ones that I mentioned are the most personal.
Can you give us an insight about what listeners should expect from yourself through the end of 2014 and into 2015?
Hopefully I’ll start performing outside of Israel, Tel Aviv.
How can individuals contact you and hear your music?
Through Bandcamp, an youtube
Do you have any further comments for NeuFutur readers?
Check out my music! (:
The songs in this album are wonderful! I recommend to EVERYONE to check them out!! You wont regret it 🙂