Posted on: November 19, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There are a wide variety of different rice blends that are currently on the market and each of these blends contains different types of rice, mushrooms, or other inclusions. RiceSelect is at the forefront of these blends with a royal blend that links together light brown rice with quinoa to make for a delectable and healthy rice dish. RiceSelect Royal Blend does well when one uses automatic rice cookers; just give it about 30 or 40 minutes and one will have a ready made side that will go equally well with chicken, steak, or fish.


The RiceSelect company creates these blends and provides purchaser with about 32 ounces of the mix; one that wants to purchase one of the company’s blends would likely spend about 7 to 10 dollars on a jar. F_t naw or brown rice is not your story of thing the company provides a number of the distinct options. This means that there is arborio, white rice, whole grain, and any other sort of combination of rice and mushrooms which one could conceive of. The RiceSelect will stay just fine in a cabinet for quite a few months before requiring to be replaced. The great thing about these blends really comes in their personality meaning that one can change the overall flavor profile off the Royal Blend or other RiceSelect lines by changing up the oil that one places into the mix.


The blend also does well when one fries the rice in oil after when one includes an additional array of vegetables to the mix. Make sure to visit the RiceSelect website for additional information about their product line, recipes, and any other promotions that they may be running. For our money we would definitely come back to the RiceSelect Royal Blend line time and time again.


Rating: 9.0 / 10

RiceSelect Royal Blend / Texmati Light Brown Rice with Quinoa and Texmati Light Brown Rice with Flaxseed / /

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