Posted on: June 27, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Coronado’s Stupid Stout is one of the meatiest and most delectable stouts that we have reviewed in NeuFutur. The beers pours with an extremely dark brown (nearly black) color and a small amount of lacing that continues to creep its way down as one continues to work on the stout.


The beer imparts a warmth that is continually refreshed in subsequent sips. There is a depth here that ensures that imbibers will stay interested from beginning to end. Where stouts run the risk of continually walloping an individual with a narrow band of flavors, there are different twists and turns that are present at each point of this brew.

The imperial stout is absolutely fulfilling with a very thick mouthfeel. The overall flavor profile ties together a bit of an alcohol burn with bits of vanilla, mat, sugar, and a wee bit of spice (allspice, cinnamon, and even a bit of cayenne are present here). The 2014 version of Coronado’s Stupid Stout has enough in the way of hop presence to keep an imbiber’s palette refreshed, meaning that one is provided with a different array of flavors with every quaff. The 9.0% ABV mark of Stupid Stout hides well as one forges on; the sweeter and spicier elements do a hell of a job obfuscating the boozy nature of the stout.

For more information about the whole of Coronado’s efforts, check out the company’s domain. For memes, events, and new product announcements, Coronado’s social media accounts would be the best bet. Check out our previous coverage of Coronado’s 17th Anniversary Ale.

Rating: 9.2/10

Stupid Stout 2014 / Imperial Stout / 9.0% ABV / / / /

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