Posted on: August 19, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1
Bucking Bock in

Rahr & Sons Brewing’s Bucking Bock pours with a golden-yellow coloration and a small amount of off-white head that sits on top. There is a good amount of wheat flavor that pokes through on the initial sip, while having a decent amount of malt that concludes the initial pull. As Bucking Bock continues to reach room temperature, the more sweet tastes become prevalent. A smaller amount of hops have been included into the Bucking Bock, which moderates brief spice notes (cinnamon, nutmeg) into a dense backdrop.Bucking Bock in

The beer is able to hide the 7.0% ABV well through bold flavors and a yin-yang approach to the balancing. Nuttier and more roasted elements become prevalent during the second half of Bucking Bock, providing imbibers with enough twists and turns to keep them firmly on the edges of their seats. The interplay between these different types of tastes does not break down when the beer gets close to reaching room temperature; possessing this strong backbone makes Bucking Bock a shoo-in when compared to other bocks that are offered. The warming nature of the beer makes this a must-have for those nights that have just a little chill to them or as a reward after a long day of work. The variety of notes that one will experience when they have a can or two of Bucking Bock is much greater than readily accessible beers in gas stations and supermarkets without losing the eminent drinkability of these sorts of brews.

For more information about the entirety of the Rahr & Sons Brewing Company offerings, visit their website; the latest in updates about this brewery can be located on their Twitter. We have covered their Visionary and  Summertime Wheat earlier this year.

Rating: 8.0/10

Bucking Bock / 7.0% ABV / Bock / Rahr & Sons Brewing Company / /



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