The Black Tears’ La Ghooste is modern rock that is darkly emotive and rich in instrumentation. The layered approach that The Black Tears take during this effort will require a number of spins to hear everything that has been inserted into the composition.
A skilled interaction between the instrumentation (guitars, drums and bass) and the vocals make for a wholly unique experience. Liquid Fabulous is a churning pit of raw passion that is pushed to the extreme through the multi-layered vocals and splashy drum beats. The band is able to reinvigorate the grunge of the nineties and give it a current, contemporary flair; we hope to hear more from the band in the months to come.
Rating: 8.8/10
The Black Tears La Ghooste / Liquid Fabulous / http://www.theblacktears.co.uk/ / https://soundcloud.com/theblacktears / http://twitter.com/TheBlackTearsUK / http://www.facebook.com/TheBlackTears /