Posted on: September 29, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Toaster Pastry marks the previous life of 21st Amendment’s facilities; this effort is described by San Leandro’s 21st Amendment as an “India style red ale”. The beer’s name is a bit of a misnomer, but what ultimately results from Toaster Pastry is an eminently drinkable beer that takes the best points of the IPA and red styles and melds them together seamlessly. There is a good malt presence that imbues the effort with a solid amount of grain and bready flavor, while the hops utilized create a citrus and fruit-forward aspect that hides the considerable IBU (74) of Toaster Pastry. Hints of sweet and crisp keep individuals involved with the beer, while the brewery’s 19.2 ounce cans give imbibers considerably more than a pint. Toaster Pastry has a considerable backbone, making sure the delicate balance that is created between sweet/bitter and malt/hop is maintained from the initial opening of the can until the final sip is drank.

26738621st Amendment has hit a high-water mark with this beer, creating something that has a great alcohol wallop with a taste that makes the entire proposition dangerous. The deep array of flavors that one will experience when they experience Toaster Pastry will have imbibers finishing the beer with as much gusto as they began. This is one of the few beers with a massive hype surrounding it that successfully delivers on all accounts.

For more information about the entirety array of year-round and seasonal beer offerings from 21st Amendment Brewery, check out their domain; a visit to the company’s Facebook or Twitter is all that is needed to keep one up to date about new product availability and events. Check out our previous 21st Amendment articles, including looks into Monk’s Blood and Sneak Attack Saison .

Rating: 9.3/10


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