Posted on: October 11, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Fordham Brewing’s Rosie Parks Oyster Stout is built upon oyster shells from the Chesapeake Bay, and it is a wonderfully complex brew that cuts down on the sweet side by inserting a little umami flavor into the mix. The stout pours with a dark brown to black coloration and a decent amount of tan head that rapidly dissipates. This Fordham effort possesses a nose that links together toasted malt and briny notes; the first sip is malt-heavy and immediately will greet imbibers with dark chocolate, lactose, and roasted elements. The mouthfeel of Rosie Parks is halfway between a porter and a stout, ensuring that fans of both styles will be able to find something that they can appreciate. The saltiness granted to the beer is substantial but not overpowering; this is a wonderful way to cut the tendency of stouts to go too far overboard with the saccharine and syrupy tastes.Fordham-Rosie-Parks-Oyster-Stout-

Rosie Parks does not pack too much of a boozy wallop, clocking in at 5% ABV. The beer would do well paired with strongly-flavored plates. Whether one has Indian, Latin American, or asian fare, pairs the Rosie Parks Oyster Stout with sharp cheeses, or a bread/soup combination, this effort will shine. Fordham recommends that purchasers cellar the Rosie Parks Oyster Stout at about 45 degrees for optimum interaction between the different flavors. I would like to see Rosie Parks placed into bourbon barrels, infused with spices (vanilla, cinnamon) or peppers; I feel that the depth of the beer would be multiplied through the presence of additional inclusions.

Check out our coverage of Candi and Morning Glory Espresso Stout for more information about other Fordham & Dominion efforts. The brewery’s website is a great place to find the facts about their year-round and seasonal offerings and .

Rosie Parks Oyster Stout / 5.0% ABV / Fordham & Dominion Brewing /

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