We are continually impressed by what’s Minnesota’s indeed Brewing is putting out on a regular basis and their LSD beer may be the best canned effort that we have received from them. After a long run, receiving their IPAs and Imperial Stouts I must admit I was a little trepidatious when I received this beer from the brewery. Indeed’s Lavender Sunflower Date is a honey ale. The style seems to be a little pedestrian when considering some of the more intense approaches taken to beers. After cracking open a can, I was incredibly surprised at the richness of flavors and the density of the resulting flavor profile.
Every sip of LSD Honey Ale provided different twists and turns reinvigorating the honey ale style into something that is eminently drinkable while still having a very heavy hard-hitting aspect to it. What I mean here is that while there are floral and fruit elements that imbibers will pick through, the higher ABV means that one only need polish off two or three cans to put a strong end on what would have to be a great night. There is no sense during this LSD beer that Indeed has made something that is conflicting or contradictory as the flavors that they have chosen for this work well together.
There is nothing in the way of bitterness to speak of with this LSD beer, but there does not need to be – this is a complete harmony of flavors here. I feel that if the brewery had ratcheted up the IBUs, it would have detracted from one of the best beers that we have received so far in 2016. The beer is a limited-time offering from the brewery so I would strongly recommend that you search it out as soon as possible. We reviewed their Imperial Stout a few months back; one can find information concerning the full list of Indeed efforts on a seasonal and year-round basis from the brewery’s domain and social networking websites.
Rating: 9.5/10
LSD Honey Ale / Lavender Sunflower Date Honey Ale / Indeed Brewing / https://www.facebook.com/IndeedBrewing /https://twitter.com/indeedbrewing /