Posted on: April 8, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Why Wireless Devices Can be Harmful to You

We’re living in a connected world through wireless devices. Wireless devices are such an integral part of our daily life that we just take them for granted and never stop and think twice about them. But when that pause is taken, you would come to realize that going wireless in all devices isn’t the best nor the only option for you.

These devices use Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), and it’s literally all around us with Wifi signals in our phones, homes, workplaces, public places, and schools, to mention some. Because these devices have not been around that long a time, there are often inconclusive results in studies to show the long-term hazards they can cause on our health, but the concerns are there.

While we own smartphones, it would be smart to learn a bit more about the facts that we do know about EMR.


When you make a call, text, or use data, your phone sends and receives radio frequency (RF) signals back and forth between its antenna and nearby cell towers. Laptops and ipads have 5 antennas, which means the more antennas, the more radiation.

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)

This concerns the amount of energy absorbed into the body from a device that is held close to you, like your phone, and different phones will have different levels. According to the American Cancer Society, studies show concern about children in that their bodies might be more sensitive to RF energy. The second concern is how this energy may affect kids since their use of cell phones and wireless devices began early on in their life, unlike current adults.

Possible link to brain tumors

A study group in Sweden did find possible links of these waves to cancer. Several studies published by this group have reported an increased risk of tumors on the side of the head where the cell phone was held, particularly with 10 or more years of use. Even if nothing has been conclusive, there are several steps you can take to remain safe.


Bluetooth and Bluetooth headphones also use waves for transmission. Bluetooth is categorized into 3, with class 1 transmitter being the most powerful and so emit the highest level of Bluetooth radiation. Most Bluetooth headphones are class 2, which are less in emitting rays. This being said, are wireless bluetooth headphones safe? We do know that long-term use might create health issues. The longer you use bluetooth headphones, the longer is the contact time that EMF radiation has to your head and brain tissue. Resulting to a lot of health concerns. However, you can find some alternatives that reduce the harmful effects but still have the same, or more, uses.


Clearly, it’s not the option when driving but at other times, it’s safer in the long run.

Limiting usage is obviously the thing to do, especially for children. At least limit yourself to short conversations over the phone. Since, wireless devices uses the EMR to receive or send the data, it emits harmful radiations. Long exposure to any of these devices believed to cause high blood pressure, male infertility, miscarriage risk, birth defects, increasing risk of cancer, Parkinson’s disease, brain tumor, Alzheimer’s disease, insomnia, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, and a lot more. Despite lack of hard evidence, researchers and other experts do have certain doubts about EMR and its negative effects because existing research has still not totally eliminated the effects of EMR as being harmless. To keep safe, or lessen risks at least, when using any devices, the farther it is for your body and head, the better and safer that would be.

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