Posted on: May 17, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Score’n is a track that refreshes the swag style of F.L.Y. and Soulja Boi. With echoing vocals and a taut, machine gun-like backing beat, Score’n is immediately able to capture listeners’ attentions. The vox laid down by MARIBASED1 is able to do more than provide fans with a story. In addition, these vocals pull double duty in adding a further layer of harmony to the snap / clap-heavy backing beat. Score’n is an effort that will get one out on the dance floor; the track could easily crossover onto pop and dance charts due to its considerable variety of sounds and approaches.

Take a look at our previous coverage of MARIBASED1’s Bouncin and Doe Boi.

MARIBASED1 “Score’n”/ Facebook / Instagram /

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