Culture Fix: How to Create a Great Place to Work from Liverpool, UK born author Colin Ellis is the latest entry in an ever growing library of books addressing the subject of organizational / corporate culture. It is difficult to conceive of a work more comprehensive and well-rounded on this subject; Ellis leaves no stone unturned in his appraisal of what it takes to implement and nurture a business culture that satisfies its participants and maximizes their potential. Ellis’ success in this area comes as no surprise; he boasts over three decades of familiarity with this subject and has a well-established reputation as a leading voice on the subject thanks to countless speaking appearances and previous books. Culture Fix doesn’t waste readers’ time with trite observations they can arrive at on their own or rephrased from other works; Ellis has a common sense yet individual approach to the subject apparent throughout the entirety of this book.
MORE ABOUT COLIN ELLIS: https://www.colindellis.com/books/culture-fix
Ellis has a slightly off the cuff manner defining the book that makes for an inviting reading experience. It isn’t so casual as to lose its focus, but his relaxed style helps bring to life what might be a dry subject for some readers. His preface for the book has this quality present stronger than anywhere else in the book and lays out the general goals he hopes to achieve without ever belaboring them for the reader. The book’s structure centers six pillars of culture Ellis believes are essential to observe if an individual or organization hopes to transform their culture into a vibrant atmosphere encouraging creativity, contentment, and productivity.
He has put a great deal of research into reinforcing his ideas but it never overwhelms his own voice. The secondary materials, instead, complement Ellis’ own ideas and conclusions and he never overlooks documenting them for those who intend on further reading. The straight forward approach he takes towards presenting the aforementioned pillars incorporates both quantifiable ideas about culture with Ellis’ own personal views in a fully integrated way. You will never feel like his voice overtakes the work, but Ellis’ talent for making his voice a part of the reading experience is critical for the book’s success.
AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Culture-Fix-Create-Great-Place-ebook/dp/B07YCXW7CH
Culture Fix is not a brief gloss job, but it has lean economy eschewing useless digressions and sideshows. The book’s individual sections within each “pillar” are never lengthy or wordy and the brisk pace Ellis maintains throughout the work sweeps readers along. Culture Fix isn’t a book demanding to be read in a traditional fashion; its structure gives readers the flexibility to drop in and out of the text as they wish and need without undercutting the book’s value for readers. It’s the latest achievement in Ellis’ long career and reinforces his status as one of the most insightful voices heard on this subject. He understands the concept of culture and its many implications with thoroughness and imagination only a handful of his contemporaries equal and his latest work proves this. Culture Fix: How to Create a Great Place to Work is one of the best books of its type published in recent memory.
Kim Muncie