Forever Alone: Peacharine is a very hazy India Pale Ale from Charlotte, NC’s Resident Culture Brewing Company, pouring with a good amount of white head. In fact, FA: Peacharine may be the most opaque beer that we have covered so far over the course of NeuFutur’s beer review section.
Forever Alone: Peacharine’s nose has a small amount of frutiness with the briefest amount of hop bitterness at the end. The initial flavor profile that one will experience in each pounder can is deep. Initially starting off with the more citrusy fruit element previously alluded to, Forever Alone: Peacharine brings a bit ot wheat and grain to act as a refresher before one dives in deeper to the effort. What I found most interesting with Forever Alone: Pearcharine had to be the bitterness level – there’s a gradual incline in the hop bite that ensures that the place the beer ends is considerably different from where it began. The eclectic flavor profile here ensures that one will continually have something different to appreciate as they continue to progress through this India Pale Ale. The 7.5% ABV of Forever Alone: Peacharine disappears completely among the bold flavors of the IPA. Eminently quashable during these cold winter months, Resident Culture’s latest product should be sought out by anyone that fancies hazy or juicy IPAs.
To get a greater sense of what Resident Culture has going on (their events as well as seasonal / evergreen offerings), give their website or social media profiles a whirl. If you’ve had the opportunity to try out any of the Forever Alone IPAs, drop a comment below and let us know your thoughts. Forever Alone: Peacharine is one of our early front runners for 2024’s beer of the year.
Rating: 9.5/10
Forever Alone: Peacharine / India Pale Ale / Resident Culture Brewing Company | Charlotte, North Carolina / 7.5% ABV / Domain / Facebook / Instagram /