Posted on: June 24, 2024 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

GHJ Music’s “Welcome Here” defies convention. The track is able to incorporate so many dinstinct music styles, touching upon world music, R&B, pop, and gospel during Welcome Here’s run time. We love the numerous things that are occurring at any one specific time during GHJ Music’s latest. Agosa’s contributions to the effort provide further depth. There will continually be new dynamics and elements that will be discerned by listeners even five or ten plays in. Welcome Here has a fantastic message of inclusion that plays front-and-center. We sincerely hope we’ll hear more from GHJ Music in the future, as this song is precisely what is needed during our current era.

GHJ Music feat. Agosa “Welcome Here” / 2024 Self Release / 3:52 /

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