Category: Electronics and Computer Peripheral Reviews

Posted on: November 9, 2010 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Razer Lachesis (PC Mouse)

After a few weeks on our test box, we were finally ready to give a review to the 5600 DPI version of the Razer Lachesis. The first thing to consider is that there is virtually no learning curve associated with this mouse. Just plug the mouse in, download the drivers, and the mouse is good to go. When moving from a stock mouse (or even a cheaper gaming mouse), one…

Posted on: April 18, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Pro|Click Mobile Mouse

Pro|Click Mobile / 2008 Razer / / This is the first time that we’ve actually received computer peripherals for review in NeuFutur. Sure, we’ve received CDs, DVDs, video games, and the like in the past, but Razer (through Rogers and Cowan) was gracious enough to provide us with a review copy of the mouse. A first glance at the mouse shows that Razer actually cares about the left-handed user…