Posted on: July 26, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Clamor #36 / $5.50 / 100M / /

I always feel bad when I review earlier issues of a magazine, especially those that have shut their doors recently. However, this issue is just too good to pass up. There are pieces with the Coney Island Polar Bear Club (which shows a humorous side of Clamor that does not usually come through during issues of this magazine), along with a piece that should open readers’ eyes in “Mountaintop Removal in West Virginia”. Before reading this piece, I had the mistaken thought that most of these major operations had went the way of the dodo. The clear picture of an operation that stretches out what seems like tens and tens of miles by Antrim Casey. Perhaps the most challenging piece in this issue of Clamor has to be the “14 Acres” piece, which has a number of debates about whether the South Central Farm of Los Angeles should be preserved or destroyed. The range of discussion is large and of a scale that many other magazines would only be proud of achieving. There are discussions of musicians in this issue of Clamor, including a piece on Cipher and a number of different reviews of albums, but Clamor is much more of a political magazine first off. The pictures in this issue sharp, the text filling up most of the page and making the magazine well worth the $5.50 cover price. With magazines like Clamor, Punk Planet, and Altar all closing up shop, it behooves anyone interested in social justice to go out and make a magazine to close up the void. Here’s to hoping that this is sooner rather than later.

Rating: 8.0/10

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