Posted on: January 22, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Southland: The Complete Second, Third and Fourth Seasons will get viewers caught up with Southland as the fifth season will begin on February 13th. For those that have not had the chance to watch the show up to this point, this DVD set is vital to understanding the motivation of the cast. The major switch-over in the cast occurs in the third and fourth seasons, as one of the focal points passes on, one gets transferred, and two other members of the force end up leaving. The shake-up in Southland makes for a decidedly different show than when it started, and provides the show with momentum enough to stay fresh throughout this DVD set.

There are a number of bonus featurettes that have been included in this DVD set. I feel that “A Crime Tour” is the most interesting of these inclusions, as it provides some real life context to the horrible acts that occur during these seasons. The unaired scenes provide vital context for a smaller subset of episodes, while “Back the Badge” allows those associated with the show ample opportunity to point out bits and pieces of specific episodes that would normally be missed.

The DVD set of these three seasons is retailed at $59.98; intrepid readers will be able to find a copy of this set for a few dollars cheaper. This set is a perfect addition to any Southland fan’s collection, and would be the perfect holiday or birthday gift. Make sure to check out the fifth season of Southland when it premiers on February 13th on TNT.

Rating: 8.0/10

51VGpmRPAeL._SL500_AA300_Southland: The Complete Second, Third and Fourth Seasons (DVD Set) / 2013 Warner Bros / 1094 Minutes /

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